Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

minted giveaway!

My computer is full of pictures of my kiddos. Chubby cheeks, tiny toes, first little gummy smiles, messy watermelon faces. iPhone snaps, "big camera" pics, and photos taken by some incredibly talented professional friends. But they just sit there. And I forget about them, and they fill up my storage space, and collect digital dust. If digital photos took up physical space, you might call me a hoarder. Over the past few months, I've made it a point to get more pictures printed out and on our walls or into our hands. I've made a few photo books, organized my photos a little bit better, and stuck a few of my favorite Instagram snaps on our fridge.

Enter Minted. You might know Minted from their gorgeous art marketplace (where I'm honored to have one of my art prints available!), their beautiful wedding invitations, or even their stunning and unique pillow designs (I'll take one of each). They also have a great collection of customizable photo art!

When Minted contacted me and offered to send me some photo art, I jumped at the chance to hang some of our photos from our family session with my friend Ruth last September. Delia was itty-bitty, and they are some of my favorite photos we have of our family.

My first inclination was to add this piece to our gallery wall in the living room, but when it arrived, I realized it was almost a gallery on its very own. I was also super impressed with the sturdy frame, ready-to-hang-hardware, and of course, the bright and clear print quality. So, up it went in the dining room. Delia loves pointing to Daddy and Mommy and Silas in the pictures, and is a bit confused as to who that little baby is.

Minted is giving you a chance to get some of your own pictures out of computer storage and on to your walls! One winner will receive their choice of a 5x7 photo art print! We'll make it simple-- visit's photo art section (link here!), and comment below with the design you might choose for your own walls!

Giveaway will be open until Friday, December 18th, one winner will be chosen. Please make sure your email address is either in your comment or available through your Blogger account.

our boston winter 'bucket list'

little things.