Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

custom paintings and queue.

I love doing custom paintings! Interested in a custom piece? Email me at hellohueblog {at}!

In addition to canvas paintings, I also offer custom hand-painted necklaces, magnets and moleskine notebooks.

So, how does it work??

Once a spot in the queue is open (see below), it is first come, first serve (even if you've emailed me with interest before!). We'll discuss your desired order, and I will give you a price quote for the order which will include a shipping estimate. If the quote works for you, I'll invoice you via PayPal and your spot is secured in the queue upon receipt of payment. I will order your canvas from my supplier and then we can get working on ideas!

I usually try to send 1-3 progress pictures while I'm working on your custom painting, to give you an idea of how your order is taking shape and keep you excited!

Custom paintings usually take anywhere from 2-6 weeks to complete. I'll give you rough idea of how long it may take, depending on the design.

Thanks so much for your interest! :) Email me at  hellohueblog[at] if you are interested!

Custom Queue:: {two open spots}


Here are just a few examples of some things I've done in the past. Links lead to blog posts with more details and photos of each painting.

{Bethany and Luke's Florals}

{Amber's Wave}

{Ruthanne's Colorful Canvas}

{An Abstract For Melissa}

{Alex and Ana's Surfboards}

hi there.

maternity pictures with ioana bentum