Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

A Home for My Bling

Some people are just natural organizers. There is a place for every belonging and after something is used or worn, it returns to it's "home".

That's not me.

I wouldn't say I'm a messy person at all. I keep our home tidied and clean. But I'm not a neat and organized perfectionist. Most of the chaos in our home lurks in drawers and behind closet doors. I've been working on organizing some of the more chaotic drawers and closets over the past few weeks.

One thing that has been bugging me is that all of my jewelry is homeless. For years, most of my earrings have been crammed in a small tin Altoid container. I have no idea when I started keeping them in there but I'm pretty sure it started before a long trip, when I needed a safe place to store my fragile danglies.

I mean, it works, but those pretty little things deserve a better home than that. The jewelry that didn't fit in my little box was scattered about in random drawers and boxes in our bedroom and bathroom. So sad.

Once again, Ross came to my rescue (I really wish we had a HomeGoods, TJ. Maxx or Marshalls here, but alas, we do not). I bought two sweet lacey bowls for 3.99 last fall and they've been gracing our dining room baker's shelf ever since. I looked at them the other day though, and a light bulb went off in my lil' head!

The lacey openings on the handles of the bowl provide the perfect spot to hang my earrings from. And there's plenty of room in that bowl for all my favorite necklaces and bracelets. So now, I can choose easily from the jewelry in my bowl since it's displayed so prettily. 

How do you organize your bling? Do you display it in a pretty case, hang it on a jewelry tree or is it scattered in drawers like mine was up until recently??

here and there [happy friday!]

How to Paint a Lamp (and Get a Tan in the Process)