Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

How to Paint a Lamp (and Get a Tan in the Process)

I've been looking for a lamp for our guest bedroom for a while. I finally found a small cheap one at Ross the other day. Here's how I took it from chrome-alicious to a pretty blue hue.

First of all, here it is with the chrome finish base. It's not really bad at all, just not my style.

I do like the natural texture in the shade. 

Step #1 is to decide on a paint color. This lamp is going in our guest room which has an orange comforter and some vintage style Hawaiian prints on the wall. So, I pulled in the blue from the prints and decided on Peacock Blue from Glidden (I'm on a peacock blue kick this week! I've got a few other projects involving the color!)  Normally I wouldn't use this kind of paint on a lamp but I couldn't find a spray paint in the color I wanted. 

Step # 1.5 --Turn on some tunes to get you in the groove. Maybe some Jack Johnson on Pandora?

Step #2--Take the lamp shade off, set it aside and prime the base. Remember to spray on the grass if you don't want to end up with paint on your patio (did you spot my unintentional artwork on the patio floor in the photo above??)

This is the kind of primer I use. 

Wait about 10 minutes for that to dry. Check your Facebook. Throw in a load of laundry. Whatever

Step #3-- Apply the first coat. Glidden has these great 2 ounce sample pots you can buy for a few bucks at the store. I picked up a few of those and since I'm not a perfectionist and I like to do things the hard way sometimes... I painted the whole lamp with this itsy brush. I know, ridiculous. Don't feel obligated to do anything the way I do it. 

Here's what the first coat looked like. 

Let that dry for, I dunno, maybe an hour. Make yourself some lemonade. Put some mint leaves in it. Sit out in the sun in a pink polka dot bikini and read a good book. At least that's what I did. 

Step #4-- Ok, time for the second coat. I ended up doing 3 coats to get it as dark as I wanted. I let each coat dry about an hour in between. 

Here's what I ended up with. The blue is not as inky as I thought it was going to turn out, but I like the end result anyway! 

Do you like it? Do you think I should have stuck with the chrome? Have any DIY projects on your to-do list? 

A Home for My Bling

Welcome to the Jungle, Part 3: Bright & Light