Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Happy Birthday to meeee!!

Twenty-five years ago today, a sweet ray of sunshine arrived in this world. 

Okay, just kidding. Kind of. As my mom tells the story, I came into the world with my eyes open wide, looking for the party! I'm suuuure that doesn't surprise anyone. 

Considering it's my birthday today and Snapshot Saturday on Kim's blog, I thought I'd share some photos of birthday celebrations from years past. 

Special thanks to my mom and dad for putting up with my ridiculous exuberance for 25 years. I love you  bunches and I wouldn't be here without you both (no, really...). 

Also, I love my husband and wish we could be together today. Today is the 5th birthday he's missed since we've starting dating, but he still always manages to make me feel treasured and loved, not just on my favorite day of the year, but every day. Loooove you Chris! 

Have a great day celebrating my birthday, friends! Head over to FB and become a fan for an extra special discount just for today (and the 15% discount will be active again tomorrow!) 

[over the weekend] Birthday Celebration!

A Birthday Weekend Sale!