Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

[over the weekend] Birthday Celebration!

 Happy Monday, my friends! Thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes on Saturday. I had a great day!

I spent the morning at the beach with my girlfriend, Rachel. It was interrupted by some winds and showers, but that also brought countless rainbows, sweet birthday reminders of God's promise and love for me.

After the beach, a nap and a little time getting dolled up, eight of my closest girlfriends arrived for a girls' night out! 

We hit up happy hour at the Top of Waikiki revolving restaurant and then spent the rest of the evening rocking out to some karaoke. 'Twas a fabulous night with some of the most amazing people in my life. 

Oh, I love birthdays, don't you?! I also have gotten some really amazing birthday mail from a lot of you (and I'm waiting for a package from Chris!). Can't wait to share about that soon! 

How was your weekend? Got productive plans for the day? I'm gonna hit the ground running this week, packaging and sending out orders, and hopefully starting on some paintings to refill my shop after my big birthday sale on Saturday!

Aloha From A Sponsor: Rouge & Whimsy

Happy Birthday to meeee!!