Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

I Bought a Camera & Took Lots of Pictures

 So, I was going to share a little photo shoot that Sandy and I did last weekend, but I still need to get those photos edited. So, instead you get to see just a few of the 300+ photos that I took in the first 24 hours I had my camera. Ready for lots and lots of pictures?? Ready... go!

My girl friend, Dahlia, and I went into Honolulu to buy the camera on Tuesday. I ended up buying the Canon Rebel t3 which I think is the newest model from Canon. I honestly don't know much about the specs, but it was the right price range and I LOVE this camera so far! I'm excited to learn more and I've already tried venturing out of the auto setting. Scary!

We went downtown after the big purchase and discovered a fun local market. I was super excited to try out the camera on all the fun textures and strange delights. Have you ever eaten tiny "Crispy Crabs"? Weird.

Next was lunch at Kaka'ako Kitchen. I was so occupied with taking pictures of everything around me that I could barely eat my favorite-- spinach and calamari salad with a chili vinaigrette.

We meandered down to Ala Moana Park. Sailboats, palms, and white sand beaches. 

I think my favorite stop was Down to Earth, the natural grocery store in our neighborhood. Lots of fun, colorful goodies to capture. And people staring at me strangely as I crouched down to take pictures of garlic and broccoli. 

Lastly, a little fun in the bathroom mirror! 

If you've bought a painting from me in the last 6 months, a humongous mahalo to you for being a part of this camera purchase. I have so many more ideas for blog posts now that I can communicate so much more through my camera! 

So, any fun plans for the weekend? I don't think I really have any plans, which I'm just fine with. A weekend filled with nothing sounds fabulous. Happy Friday!

Saturday Snapshot:: My Patient Teacher

Talking Snapdragons, Belly Kicks & Bacon :: One Last Recap