Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Saturday Snapshot:: My Patient Teacher

 It's Saturday yet again, and you know what that means! I'm linking up with my sweet friend, Kim of Yellow Songbird for Saturday Snapshot!

I miss Chris. These Saturday Snapshots have me browsing through my iPhoto archives and seeing so many pictures of us together makes me miss him even more. This photo is from the winter of 2007, on my first ever snowboarding trip in Pennsylvania.

Chris loves anything that involves a little adventure. Cliff diving off of 50 foot cliffs, surfing the big waves, attempting flips on his wakeboard. When he was a teen, he got a concussion and hurt his arm after attempting a flip on his snowboard. 

But when it comes to teaching me a new skill, he is always so incredibly patient, a gentle teacher. Even though he could easily have sailed down the Black Diamond slopes, he stuck by my side the entire afternoon, even laying beside me in the snow for a breather when my knees started to hurt from falling so much and I was getting frustrated. 

I love the memories this picture brings back of that chilly afternoon, my patient husband and the souvenir of bruised knees.

Also, holy cow, my hair was long.

Fresh Paint: Bright Chevrons & Happy Florals

I Bought a Camera & Took Lots of Pictures