Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Fresh Paint: Bright Chevrons & Happy Florals

Hello, friends, welcome to a new week! You ready for it? How was your weekend?

I had a pretty restful weekend. On Saturday, I scoured my house top to bottom ( okay, maybe not restful, but I actually enjoyed it!) and even hung up some artwork that has been sitting around waiting for frames. More on that later... ;) 

And then on Saturday night, I took myself on a date. I went to see Soul Surfer and enjoyed a nice big bucket of buttery popcorn and an ice cold Coke! It was my first time going to a movie by myself but I have been wanting to do it for awhile and I have to admit, it wasn't awkward at all. And Soul Surfer was a fabulous movie-- you definitely need to go see it! I could relate with so much of it, being set in Hawaii. And the message was really well done. Go see it and treat yourself to some buttery popcorn too! 

I also managed to finish up two big custom pieces this weekend! 

The first is my first ever chevron piece.

 Aaand probably also my last. 

I'm kind of kidding. Kind of. 

I am not math minded in the least and so the measuring for this piece was... a challenge. But once that was finished, I had lots of fun painting this piece for Erika. I couldn't resist putting it above my couch for these pictures. It looked so good there, I was tempted to just keep it for myself! 

But I think Erika is thankful that it's on its way to her house right now. It's going to look awesome above her new gray couch!

I painted the sides of each canvas too, so that she could separate them and hang them individually if she chooses in the future. 

The second custom piece is this bright floral 18x18 canvas for Bethany. She was inspired by the artwork of Kim Parker and asked me to do something similar in my own style. I had so much fun painting this piece! I can't wait to see pictures of it in Bethany and Luke's home! 

Today I am focusing solely on getting more paintings in the shop. Check in this week, as I'll be listing more Cuties and 'Olelo paintings as well as some other fun paintings! You just might find something you love! 

Oh, did I mention I've been stuck at 97 sales for two weeks?? If you wanna push me over to 100, hop on over and snag some fun artwork for yourself! 

Have a bright & happy Monday, everyone!

Plumeria, Ghost Ships and Gratitude.

Saturday Snapshot:: My Patient Teacher