Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Plumeria, Ghost Ships and Gratitude.

 The evening I bought my new camera last week, I went out for a walk around the neighborhood near sunset. The light was beautiful and it was so peaceful to just meander with my thoughts and my camera.

I love the many different varieties of plumeria within 1/4 mile of each other. Each so beautiful, they look like God took a paintbrush to each petal. And boy, I wish I had a smell-omatic app on my blog because the scent of these beautiful blossoms is heavenly.

Love this shot of my neighbor's old Chevy truck. Linking up to Sweet Shot Tuesday

Sweet Shot Day

We live across the street from one of the fingers of Pearl Harbor. The ship graveyard is home to decommissioned ships and the shape of their silhouettes are eerily peaceful against the mountains. 

I love taking pictures. Mmhmm.

Sooo...I hit 100 sales yesterday! (And 101 sales!) I'm still in disbelief. It was only a few months ago that I made the goal to have 50 sales before June. Um, wow. Was not expecting to hit 100 sales in such a short time.
When I opened shop in September, I had no idea what to expect. I certainly didn't expect for my shop to become a full time job. I didn't expect to find true, real life friends in this community of bloggers and shop owners. I didn't expect that this job would keep me insanely busy while my husband was deployed. I didn't expect to fly to Arizona for a blogger and creative business conference and to play footsie with some of my blogger/real life friends... er, what?? 

Anyways, I'm grateful. Ephesians 3:20 speaks about our God who "... is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine..." I know that God. He works in big ways. And He works in small ways. And 100 sales may seem like nothing compared to the shops that have thousands under their belt. But it's big to me and I've gotta say that He deserves all the credit.   

And I'm grateful for you guys too! Thanks to your awesome shopping habits, I was able to pay my way to Creative Estates AND buy my dream camera. Awesome, huh? THANK YOU. And now, I've got another goal. You ready to help me with this one too?? 

I am praying. and hoping. and mostly praying. for the chance to go see Chris next month. I can't say where just yet but I will tell you that it's a beautiful, exotic country with lots of yummy food and it's on my list of places I want to visit. Plus, Chris will be there. Hopefully. Military schedules can change at the drop of a hat, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up. 

But I'd love to be able to pay for at least some of my trip. So, feel free to buy up lots of paintings for your home, your friend's homes, your boss' home... whatever. And know that you're helping this girl go visit the love of her life. In a really cool place that I really want to tell you but I can't because the military says so. 

Whew. That's alot of words. Thanks for reading. Or just for looking at the pretty pictures if that's all you did. ;) 

Home Sweet Colorful Home.

Fresh Paint: Bright Chevrons & Happy Florals