Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Home Sweet Colorful Home.

 I spent Saturday cleaning the house. Which actually turned into me prettifying the house by putting up some of the artwork that has been waiting patiently for frames and starting to piece together our new bedroom!

I started in the kitchen. Chris loves his toaster oven from college. He loves making sandwiches in there and it's been a permanent (*ahem* ugly) fixture on our counter for the past two years. Until Saturday. I never use it and it was taking up space on the counter so it got relegated to the pantry. Bye bye toaster oven!

And in its place, my bike petals print from My Little Buffalo ( a gift from my sweet friend, Ruthanne), a vase of bright and happy spider mums and some pretty towels. Ah, much better.

Next up, my studio! I've been wanting to put together a happy little inspiration wall so I started it on Saturday. 

My Language of Love print from SugarFresh on Etsy, a Valentine's present from my sweet husband. 

Printable from Kim. (Yeah, it's tacked up there. Gotta get a frame.) 

A shadow box filled with a few pieces of scrapbook paper from when I wrote out 100 reasons I love Chris 100 days before our wedding. (yes, I stole it from the gallery wall in our living room. It looks way better in my studio!) 

Aloha 'Olelo painting from Aisle to Aloha Studio. :) 

Two paintbrushes taped to the wall. (I think you can see the tape... classy.) 

A photo of some beautiful bloggy friends who inspire me. They thoughtfully wore colors that coordinated with my studio. 

I'll be changing this around and adding to it as I find more beautiful things that make me happy.

And the final stop in our "ooh, look at the pretty colors in our house" tour is our bedroom. Ooh la la. Remember when I showed you my lil inspiration board for the makeover? 

These shams from Urban Outfitters rock my world. And I just happened to have this little lumbar pillow I bought a year ago from an Etsy shop I can't seem to remember. Perfecto!

I painted this luggage rack the perfect shade of green and I'll be using it to organize my accessories once I can find the perfect tray for on top.

And finally, this gorgeous print from The Wheatfield on Etsy (a birthday present from my mama and papa!) will find its place on the wall. I can't look at it without smiling! Oh the colors! It's a weird size (13x19) and I was bummed that I'd have to maybe buy a custom frame. But I found the perfect frame in our closet after I took these pictures! Yay! 

Have you made any fun changes to your house recently? Gotten any pretty gifts for your home? What colors are making you happy these days?

Aloha From a Sponsor: Amy Cornwell

Plumeria, Ghost Ships and Gratitude.