Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Aloha From a Sponsor: Amy Cornwell

Do you ever come across a shop that has so many beautiful things that you just can't possibly choose a favorite? Well, here's another one to add to your list. 

Amy is the beautiful designer behind Amy Cornwell jewelry, a shop specializing in high quality, hand stamped jewelry. I was so excited to meet Amy a few weekends ago at Creative Estates and not only is her jewelry just as gorgeous in person, but Amy is incredibly sweet and oh-so-creative. 

 Aloha Amy! What are three things my readers should know about you?

I love to create {but any of you who know me already know this!}. 

I'm always on the go...doing something. 

I'm a very loyal and trustworthy friend {it's very important to me}.

What is your favorite part of selling handmade?

Hearing the stories behind each piece. I love knowing the story of why someone is putting a word, name or date on a charm. I've made items for weddings, births of children, many life events. It's encouraging to me to hear of a friend that purchases something personalized for their friend who is going through a hard time to pick them up. I love knowing that I'm a small part of people's lives and celebrations.

I think it's no secret that I LOVE color. What is your favorite color and what do you think that says about you?

I like so many colors and my favorite always changes...I love bright colors right now since it's spring so I'd say turquoise, orange, lime green, etc. They just make me happy. I love happy colors because I do think it can change your mood when you wear them or see them!

Ok, super dee duper awesome readers, I know you are wondering how the heck you can get your hands on some of Amy's jewelry. Amy has graciously offered a $25 shop credit to one Aisle to Aloha reader! There are many sweet pieces you can purchase with that credit and I have to admit, I'm a bit jealous. 

To enter, you must be a follower of AisletoAloha using the Google Friend Connect feature (Click the "follow" button on the right side bar.) Go visit Amy's shop and come back here to leave a comment telling me which beautiful piece of jewelry you'd use your shop credit to buy!

**Additional entry**

If you tweet about the giveaway, leave a second entry. (Make sure you mention @aisletoaloha and @amycornwell in your tweet!)

Can't wait to purchase your Amy Cornwell jewelry? Use the code ALOHA to receive 10% off your order until May 5th! 

Check out her blog too, or follow the sweet girl on twitter!

It's the Little Things: Doodling, Calls from Chris & Ocean Views

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