Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

It's the Little Things: Doodling, Calls from Chris & Ocean Views

I kind of love writing my "Little Things" posts. It's pretty amazing to look back over the week and see how God has carried me through by providing small things that have made me smile or brought me joy. 

And this week, despite feeling swamped by emails and having lots to tackle on my to-do lists, I had a hard time narrowing down my "little things" for the week. 

Last week, I got to relax on the beach with my girl friend, Krynn and her sweet baby, Audrey. I'm not sure how you can not feel content with this view. 

I got to hear Chris' voice for the first time in about 3 weeks! When I say that I melted when I picked up that phone ringing with a strange international number, I'm not really exaggerating. I'm so in love with that man and I miss him so much. 

 Doodling on the colorful paint covered drop cloth draped over my studio sawhorse table makes me smile. 

Painting. I still love it. After being close to burning out on it a few weeks ago, I forced myself to start sticking to a schedule and take more down time. With Chris being gone, I was finding myself working far too much and not taking any time just for myself. But once I started sticking to a schedule, I began coming up with new ideas and found a renewed love and passion for painting. Good for me, good for you. 

If you are very observant, you may have noticed that I changed the signature on the side of my painting a few weeks ago. I used to sign with capital "LW" but was feeling like that wasn't quite "me".

So I played around with a few different options and ended up switching to a simple lowercase version. LOVE it. What do you think?

I'm looking forward to celebrating Easter with my Hawaii ohana this weekend. Worship, brunch and beach-- sounds pretty sweet to me! 

What's made you smile this week? 

Sponsor Aisle to Aloha in May!

Aloha From a Sponsor: Amy Cornwell