Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

[over the weekend] Chowing Down at Opal's


I drove up to the North Shore with my friend, Krynn, last week to meet our buds, Dahlia and her hubby, Evan at Opal's food truck. We sunk our chopsticks into a round of the best samplings of Thai food on the island. Oh my goodness, it was heavenly delicious. I can't believe I've been here almost two years and that was my first time eating there. (And second soon after, I went back up on Saturday and ate there again!) 

The owner's young son, Leo, was hilarious and we had fun quizzing him on the continents and oceans as he brought us our green papaya salad, shrimp pad thai and fresh cranberry lemonade. 

Don't you love awesome times with good friends and tasty food?  And... well, being in Hawaii doesn't hurt. 

Did you do anything fun over the weekend? How was your Easter? 

Oh hey, I've been listing some new paintings in the shop the past few days. Go check them out

(I'm still on schedule to go see Chris in Southeast Asia in May! Thanks to each of my really awesome customers for supporting my trip to see my beloved hubs!) 

Weary & Burdened

He Is Risen!