Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
— Lindsay Wilkins

Weary & Burdened

Hi friends! How was your Monday? Mine was eh, let's say, less than stellar. I'm becoming more and more aware that my focus is not well, focused where it needs to be. Or rather, on Who it needs to be focused on.

It's so easy for me to get sucked into focusing in on how many blog comments I'm getting on my posts, the feedback I get on twitter on my new listings , or how many sales I've had this week.

 I get bogged down thinking about the unanswered emails sitting in my inbox, the items yet to be crossed off my to-do list and the ideas rolling around in my head that have yet to be realized. 

For some reason, I used to think that once I hit X number of followers on my blog or sales in my shop, that I'd be a pro. A pro at balancing life and blogging. A pro at not being afraid of failing. A pro at uh, organization. Yeaaaah, right. 

Thankfully, even though I try all too often, I don't have to shoulder it alone. My friend sent me an encouraging text yesterday that included this verse: 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30 

I think with Chris deployed, I have the tendency to think I can just power through and deal with the stress, the to-do lists. As a military wife, I'm told over and over again "Be strong.""You're so strong to do this all by yourself. "

But I'm realizing more that I can't. And I don't have to try. So this week, I'm going to make a greater effort to lay my burdens at His feet and turn to my Bible before I open my inbox, and focus on what my Jesus has to say about me, His child, rather than what the number of my sales or comments says about me. We'll see how that goes.

{Oh, I bought tickets to go visit Chris last night!! I leave two weeks from today for an exotic (secret, for now) location! Let's just say I am not looking forward to 20 hours of travel, but oh-so excited to smooch my sweet husband! Please pray that the ship's schedule stays the same, because it could change at any time, leaving me stranded. If you'd like to help support my trip, go purchase a painting [or two] from my shop!)

What I Wore Wednesday:: Taste of Waialua Festival!

[over the weekend] Chowing Down at Opal's