Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

What I Wore Wednesday:: Taste of Waialua Festival!

On Saturday, my friend, Dahlia and I went to the Taste of Waialua Festival on the North Shore. It's a market celebrating local foods and produce. It was fun to see and taste everything from soap (er, we didn't taste the soap, just sniffed it) to honey, coffee, chocolate and flowers grown and produced right here on the island. 

At one of the flower and fruit stands we stopped by, the guy behind the table was about thirty. As Dahlia was deciding which exotic fruit to buy, he complimented me on my rings. And then on my headband. And then he said "You know, you are one of the prettiest girls I've seen. Why don't you pick a flower?" 

He wasn't creepy about it. Didn't leer at me and lick his lips or anything. Just offered a kind compliment and a flower. So I chose the one above on the right. I don't know what it's called. But I like it.

Yum, fresh shave ice with natural mango juice. I love mango. Like, really love. 

Also, I really love Dahlia. I couldn't ask for a sweeter, more encouraging girl to kick it with. 

My outfit that day was pretty basic. Just a tank and shorts but I jazzed it up a bit with my rockin' muchloveilly headband. Um, I love the color coral. Did I tell you that already?? 

coral poppy headband:: {much love illy}
rings:: {charlotte russe}
bracelet:: { aloha swap meet}
tank:: {target}
denim cut offs:: {american eagle}
sandals:: {reef}

'Twas a fun day indeed!

Linkin' up with Lindsey's What I Wore Wednesday again! 

Aloha From a Sponsor: K. Davis Creates

Weary & Burdened