Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

WIWW: What I Wore in Thailand!

 It's Wednesday, peeps! You know what that means-- What I Wore Wednesday--lots of outfits to share with you today! Obviously these aren't all of my outfits from my ten days in Thailand, but just some of my favorites. I kept my outfits pretty simple and comfortable, considering it was super hot,  humid and we were walking all over the city. 

head band:: {much love, illy}
top:: {Forever 21}
denim cut-offs:: {American Eagle}
slippers aka: flip-flops:: {Reef}
what we were doing:: {chilling at the top of the Hilton hotel, exploring the city}

earrings:: {Macy's}
plumeria:: {picked for me by my love}
dress:: {Forever 21}
sandals:: {Reef}
what we were doing:: cooking classes! Mmm... 

top:: {Charlotte Russe}
white mini-skirt:: {gift from SIL}
sandals:: {Reef}
rings:: {Charlotte Russe}
what we were doing:: dinner and a movie! 

earrings:: {Macy's}
dress:: {Global Village, Kailua, HI}
belt:: {TJ Maxx}
purple heels:: {Payless}
what we were doing:: celebrating our two year anniversary with Thai massages and dinner!

earrings:: {bought in Rome, Italy in college}
dress (there are pockets!!) :: {Forever 21}
belt:: {TJ Maxx}
sandals:: {American Eagle}
what we were doing:: Chris' promotion! 

Two things are apparent as I typed up this post:: I need to branch out from my obsession with Forever 21 and I desperately need a haircut! My hair is the longest it's been in a loong time. Time for a chop!

Oh, and special thanks to my awesome photographer for the week-- Chris. Didn't he get some great shots! Love that boy! 

happy hump day, guys! 

Thailand Tastes Ohhhh So Good!

Zip Lines, Monkey Business & Hungry, Hungry Hippos.