Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Zip Lines, Monkey Business & Hungry, Hungry Hippos.

One of my favorite days of our trip to Thailand was the day we went on a ziplining adventure high above the Thai rain forest. I'd never done anything like that before and I was surprised to find myself telling Chris that we had to do it.

So at 8am on Sunday morning, we donned our Flight of the Gibbon bandannas, harnesses and carabiners and hiked into the rainforest to fly 150 feet above the ground.

See that spiral stair case behind me? I'm not really afraid of heights but I detest stairs. Weird, I know. (This stems from an unfortunate accident in first grade involving a tumble down a flight of stairs, 7 stitches and a life long issue with a knocked-out dead tooth.)

So, as soon as I saw those, I said to Chris, "What the heck did I sign up for??!" 

But boy, it was amazing flying through the air over top the bright green foliage.

Chris, naturally, looks like he does this every day. 

I'm convinced there's no adventure this guy can't conquer. 

Seriously, if you've never been ziplining, you've gotta try it. So. fun. 

After ziplining, we broke for lunch and then headed to the zoo. This place was crazy-- monkeys running around everywhere, people throwing bananas and corn cobs to the animals. I've never been to a zoo quite like this in the States. 

Sweet Shot Day

We saw so many animals that we'd never seen before. One thing was apparent-- our Creator is incredibly  imaginative. Such strange creatures walk on this earth and I can just imagine how delighted he was each time he molded their features. 

We loved the zoo so much that we went back again on another day to play with the animals. 

My favorite animals were the gibbons. This guy entertained us for a long time, swinging back and forth on his jungle gym, showing off his acrobatic skillz. 

It's decided. I love adventures with Chris. 

WIWW: What I Wore in Thailand!

My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness & My Tummy Is Filled with Pad Thai.