Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Funnel Cakes, Ferris Wheels & Fedoras

Friday was our five year dating anniversary and also the first Friday since Chris got back, so we made a date out of it and headed to the 50th state fair! 

What is it about fried dough and sugar that makes me just go crazy??

We rode a bunch of fun rides-- my favorite had to be the swings. We also rode on the Sizzler-- you know, the ride that spins you around in circles at outrageous speeds? Yeah, that was the fastest Sizzler I've ever been on. Chris and I were wondering if it was malfunctioning because the skin was pretty much peeling off our faces. 

We had a blast though and I have to say, nothing beats a date night with the love of my life. I'm gonna be gushy on here for a while, just as a warning. It's just so good to have him home. 

fedora:: {target}
dress:: {modcloth}
belt:: {TJ Maxx}
shoes:: {Charlotte Russe... many years ago}

(yes, I bought another fedora... I may be developing a problem...)

Linking up with Lindsey's What I Wore Wednesday and No Model Lady's All Dressed Up

Pssst... I'm giving away a custom 6x6 Cutie canvas on Wild & Precious this week! Click here to enter to win! 

Also, I listed a new Bloom painting in the shop-- go check it out in all it's coral & orange spiciness!


Shop Talk

Paint Chip Garland for My Studio.