Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Paint Chip Garland for My Studio.

I decided a few weeks ago that the big window in my studio needed a little dressing up. I didn't want to put the time and money into curtains so I decided to make a colorful garland to add some color and whimsy.

I gathered a bunch of paint samples from my local home improvement store. Some people might not be too keen on taking so many paint samples, but um, I'm keen.

I traced out big and small circles using lids from various things around the house. And then cut the circles out with my scissors. You could definitely use a large hold punch to punch out the circles, but they're about $20.00 (at least here they are!) and I wasn't about to spend that much for this one project.

I taped the circles in a random pattern to yellow string and draped them over the window! They are held up in the corners by clear push pins-- I just worked with what I had. 

I love the bit of happy whimsy it adds! And you might notice a few new additions to my wall since I last posted about it. More on those additions soon. :) 

My studio is slowly but surely becoming the fresh, relaxing space I envisioned back when I started transforming it. I think it's almost complete and I can't wait to take you on a full tour in a few weeks! 


Funnel Cakes, Ferris Wheels & Fedoras

Oh Happy Day.