Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

I Think I Found My New Favorite Outfit

Do you ever have an outfit that makes you feel so ridiculously happy, and you wanna wear it every day for a week?

This is that outfit for me.

I wore this on Sunday while running last minute homecoming errands (grocery shopping at the commissary, vacuuming the three beaches worth of sand out of my car, mani/pedi, etc.). 

The joy of wearing my "perfect" outfit was magnified by my excitement about Chris coming home the next day and the fact that I got to scarf down my favorite sushi for lunch. 'Twas a good day. 

Yes, I wore these awesome ($1) sunglasses too. Not afraid of the color here, people. 

Also not afraid of looking like a ridiculous dork while doing my grocery shopping... apparently. Hey, I hate grocery shopping-- anything to make that chore a little bit better. 

Headband:: {much love illy}
sunglasses:: {Forever 21}
top:: {Town and Country Surf Shop}
blazer:: {Quiksilver}
ring:: {Charlotte Russe}
shorts:: {Target}
sandals:: {reef}

Linking up to Lindsey's What I Wore Wednesday

PS. Have you seen the latest addition to the shop? I love the sweet combo of the peach, gray and white stripes! Definitely says "summer" to me! 


A New Painting for the Living Room!

He's Home.