Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

A New Painting for the Living Room!

I'm excited to show you the painting I recently finished for living room!

I was inspired by several things including my own interpretation of ocean ripples, one of my favorite artists, Heather Brown, and these paintings that I pinned on Pinterest.

When Chris and I started dating, he told me that his favorite color was the color of the ocean water over sand-- a bright, clear turquoise. I tried to capture that vibrance and I love the free flowing liquidity of each ripple. 

So, this painting was meant originally to go over our couch, but after I got it up there, I had a crazy urge to rearrange our living room, and so I did. And I actually kind of love how it is now. 

You get a little peek at one of the two vintage chairs I bought last week (can't wait to get some fabulous new fabric to recover them!). You can also see our trophy from the tandem surfing competition we won last June, and dried leis from numerous occasions over the past two years. 

Oh, and our tiny tv. :) 

I love switching out artwork in our house-- keeps Chris on his toes and satisfies my indecisive nature. 


It's the Little Things: Together Again

I Think I Found My New Favorite Outfit