Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Inspire Me Monday: Coral & Navy

I am head over heels for this color combination. It's unexpected and invigorating and I find myself drawn to it more and more these days.


This wedding from High Street Market gloriously refreshing. You have to go see the rest of the beautiful table settings. I love the pop of sparkle that these World Market glasses lend to the setting.

This navy and coral outfit from Kendi Everyday would make me feel like frolicking all day, I think. I spent an exorbitantly long time on Kendi's blog last night and her closet organization post had me in my closet at midnight, making piles of clothing and rummaging through old purses. I realized that I have way too many clothes that need to be given or thrown away and I found one of my favorite lipsticks! So it was an all around good night.

Um, is it just me or do you wanna live in this room too? I'm pretty much infatuated with everything in it-- from the rug, the armchair, that gooorgeous painting and the deep, rich hue of those walls.

Love the sweet pop of color these fabric flower pins from Postcard Vintage on Etsy.


I could barely get through typing those last few paragraphs.

 I just talked to my brother and my sweet sister-in-love is in the middle of contractions as I type. I'm so excited to hear if we have a new niece or nephew in the next few hours! This will be mine and Chris' 11th time being auntie and uncle. Seriously, "Aunt Lindsay" is one of my very favorite roles in life. I miss my kiddos-- they are definitely the number one reason it's so hard to be away from our families during this season of our lives.

So, navy and coral? Closet organization? Babies?

Whatcha thinking about today?

PS. I added a few new paintings to the shop yesterday, including a whimsical beach cruiser and a brand new 'Olelo painting. Ch-ch-check 'em out. 

** I'm opening up one [1] spot in my custom queue today! Shoot me an email at aisletoaloha [at] if you'd like a piece of artwork painted just for you and your home! 

Studio Graffiti

June Birthday Girls & Announcements!