Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

June Birthday Girls & Announcements!

Happy June! I am incredibly excited about this month. I just have a sneaking suspicion that it's going to be a good month. How about you?

It's time to wish a very Happy Birthday to our June birthday girls! I hope your day, heck, your entire birthday month makes you feel sparkly. How are you celebrating this month?


Katie B.
Birthday: June 6th
Blog: Life Experiences

Alison L.
Birthday: June 16th
Blog: aPearantly Sew
Shop: aPearantly Sew 

Lauren M.
Birthday: June 20th
Blog: Enchanting

Heather C.
Birthday: June 27th

Doesn't that churro cupcake look divine? My knees go weak for anything with cinnamon and sugar. YUM!

Ok, so, now for a few announcements.

I know that some of you are waiting with bated breath for the club to open back up again. So here's the deal. I have decided to pass the Birthday Club duties onto Megan, who has done a fabulous job taking care of the emails and organizational duties for the past six months. I am working on simplifying things, especially as Chris comes home soon and this is just one of those things that I unfortunately can't continue to do. I have had a ton of fun celebrating your birthdays with you the past six months and I trust you understand.

So, Megan is graciously hosting the club from now on. You can find all the birthday posts, announcements, etc. on her blog, Flawed Perfection. And being that she will be taking on all the duties herself, Megan has decided that she is not able to open up the club at this point.

But, we have both decided that if we can't open up the club to more of you rad birthday girls, then maybe one of you can start another chapter of the Birthday Club and involve more really awesome birthday bloggers. If youuuu would like to take that on, feel free to shoot an email to Megan at loveandenvelopesbirthdayclub[at] and she will be happy to answer any questions you have about that.

Thank you to all of you sweet girls for making our birthday girls feel loved and cherished over the past six months and here's to many more months of the Love and Envelopes Birthday Club (and perhaps other chapters??) doing the same!

Inspire Me Monday: Coral & Navy

It's the Little Things: Rainbow Phones, Gecko Friends & Pizza Rolls