Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

It's the Little Things: Rainbow Phones, Gecko Friends & Pizza Rolls

 Every now and then, I like to share some of the little things that are really big things during my week. We all know that supportive friends, awesome family and a loving God help get us through times of loneliness, busy-ness or whatever. But sometimes it's those seemingly small joys that really pack the punch.

These are my favorite posts to write, I think.

While cleaning my studio on Wednesday, I randomly found an earring I'd been missing for almost a year. Know where I found it? In my pencil pouch. Why it was in there, I have no idea, but now I have a clean pencil pouch and a complete set of earrings. Woot.

Some weeks are better than others in regards to the food I put in my belly. This week... um, not so much. I bought a bag of Tostino's pizza rolls and finished them off over the week. Don't judge.

If you haven't gotten on the Pinterest train yet, you better hop on board. While browsing (er, read: wasting time) on there last week, I came upon this cell phone skin from Gelaskins and ordered it within about 20 seconds. It arrived this week and again, I had it on my phone within about 20 seconds. 

So, my phone has been making me smile all week.  

And look! It coordinates with my studio too! BONUS!

Oh, and don't tell Chris, but I have a new roommate. Meet Gilbert the gecko. 

(Ilene, don't freak out. He won't jump through the screen at you.)

So I've gotta know...

What were your 'little things' this week? 

PS. Thank you for your supportive comments on my post yesterday! Megan and Tay, I'd love to respond to your comments so shoot me an email or leave your email address in the comments, puh-leeease! :) 

June Birthday Girls & Announcements!

What's Going on With Me.