Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

What's Going on With Me.

On twitter last Saturday, I said something dramatic and cryptic like "This is the first day of the rest of my life." Of course, I should have known better, because everyone and their mother assumed that meant I was preggo.

I'm not.

Yet. :)

But, I am starting a new sort of journey and I thought I would share that with you all today. It's not nearly as exciting as pregnancy, so don't hold your breath or anything.

Last week, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. 

(See? Not really all that dramatic or exciting.)

I went in for a pretty routine blood test and got a call the next day that I had elevated TSH levels in my blood. That meant about the same thing to me as it probably means to you reading it right now. So, I did a little googling and a little frantically calling my mom and went in to see my doc on Friday. She was really great about answering my long list of questions and I felt very comfortable with her.

So what is hypothyroidism? Yeah, I'm still working on figuring that out. Hypothyroidism (as compared to hyper-) means that my thyroid is not making enough hormones. The thyroid is a bit complicated and I'm still learning about it, but basically it deals with all sorts of hormone levels and metabolism in our bodies.

Thankfully, I haven't really had many pronounced symptoms of hypothyroidism (like weight gain, sluggishness, swollen limbs, low heart rate). And another good thing is that with daily meds, it's a pretty manageable thing. But if I do get pregnant, it has a huge effect on a developing baby so I'll need to be checked out very often. I'm also at a higher risk of developing other auto-immune diseases, especially as my mom deals with hypothyroidism and another auto immune disease as well.

So this is all kind of new and a bit daunting to deal with (especially with Chris being away), but I'm comforted in the fact that my Creator knows every miniscule thing that goes on in my body and in my heart. And none of this is new or surprising to Him!

 I'm not looking for sympathy comments or anything of the sort but since you are my bloggy family (and some of you are actually blood family), just wanted to let you know what's going on over here.

Also going on in in the casa -- preparations for Chris' home coming!! Still can't say when the exact day is but we are down to just a few weeks here, people. And I'm pretty giddy just thinking about it...

PS. Don't forget to say aloha to my sweet sponsor, Three Leaves Toys in the post below!

It's the Little Things: Rainbow Phones, Gecko Friends & Pizza Rolls

Aloha From a Sponsor: Three Leaves Toys