Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Aloha Style: Flying Solo

top:: {Target}
belt:: {TJ Maxx}
skirt: {vintage, Wishfulness }
coral ring:: {Charlotte Russe}
white ring:: {American Eagle... a million years ago}
nail polish:: {turquoise and caicos by Essie}
sandals:: {American Eagle}

A solo weekend means...

... eating alone (but at least I got to eat grilled cheese and tomato soup!)

... spending the day in my studio packaging orders (I love my Moo stickers!) 

... making a mess in the kitchen and not having to clean it up right away. ( Mmm... banana bread.)

... lots of TV watching ( I think I've seen almost every episode of Criminal Minds. SUCH a good show.)

... being excited for Sunday because a) we've been trying out a really great new church and b) I get to actually get dressed and see people! 

I always miss Chris when he's gone and I can't wait to see him tomorrow, but I have to admit that I enjoy some alone time every now and then. If only for the not doing dishes right away thing. ;)

What's your favorite thing to do when you get some alone time?

PS. Rocking the glasses this weekend since I've been wearing my contacts two months longer than I'm supposed to. Hit my face on the mirror while putting makeup on this morning. Feel free to chuckle at my expense. 


{what i've learned}:: blogging

Links I Love... & Proof that I Have a New Color Obsession.