Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Links I Love... & Proof that I Have a New Color Obsession.

hello. It's me. Ringing in the weekend with a few things around the web that caught my eye this week. And it's pretty apparent that my new color obsession is mint green . Don't worry coral, I still love you. 

{uno} Check out this awesome nail tutorial on The Dainty Squid.

{dos} StudioKahn on etsy. Beautiful ceramic pieces that you break to use. Geeenius. 

{next} This article by Auston Kleon titled "How to Steal like an Artist and 9 Other Things Nobody Told Me". So much good stuff in that article. If you're in any sort of creative biz, it's a must read.  

{finally} This painting by Kristen of k.f.d. designs. This girl can paint and she has been an inspiration to me since I started reading her blog almost two years ago. 

Hope you guys have a great weekend! Chris is away for a few days and I have no plans so it will honestly be a pretty boring weekend. But this is probably one of the longest times we'll be apart for literally years, so I'm not complaining. More on that new development next week. Let's just say I'm thankful God knows what's up with our future, because we always seem to be guessing wrong!

Got any fun links to share from your web surfing this week?


Aloha Style: Flying Solo

Aloha From a Sponsor: Emily Katherine Designs