Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Got a New Bob. A Haircut, Not a Boyfriend.

 It's been months since I've looved my hair. The past few hair cuts have been eh, nice. I couldn't exactly put my finger on what was wrong, but after two "eh" cuts from the same stylist, I decided to switch it up and go to a new salon. 

And I loooove my hair. 

Also, love my new-to-me vintage skirt.  Seriously amazing colors and patterns on this thang. 

(My first vintage purchase (!!) from Wishfulness shop on Etsy)

Chris told me to show off my rings. And this is what I did. I'm a bit ridiculous. 

navy cardigan:: {uh, no idea}
white tee:: {Old Navy}
belt:: {TJ Maxx}
skirt:: {vintage}
sandals:: {Old Navy}
turquoise ring: {gift from Chris}
coral ring:: {Charlotte Russe}

Let's talk hair cuts. Am I the only one who has to dress cute to go get a hair cut? And do my makeup all nice? I'm all like "I've got to show my new girl that I'm cute and stylish, so she'll give me a cute and stylish cut! Otherwise, she'll probably assume I'm a bum and give me a boring- girl haircut" No one wants a boring-girl cut. 

You do it too, don't you? 

Also, I kind of hate sitting in that chair with my hair all slicked back and my face exposed, forced to stare at my face for an hour. I find it so awkward. So that's why I have to have rockin' makeup. 

If you're in the market for a sweet new bob, check out my Photos to Show My Hairstylist board on Pinterest. I show it to my hairstylist every time I get my hairs cut. My favorites are the first and last pins. 


Aloha From a Sponsor: Moxie Mandie

Two Years, Tree Roots & Glittery Spoons