Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

Two Years, Tree Roots & Glittery Spoons

Two years ago on Sunday, Chris and I flew into Honolulu International Airport for the very first time. It's been an amazing adventure and I can't believe that it's coming to an end soon. To celebrate our time here, we drove up to the Haleiwa Arts Festival on the North Shore. 

I was too busy taking in all the beautiful artistry to take any pictures, but I did get a photo of these awesome tree roots as we walked down to the beach. How's that for good documentation? ;)

necklace:: {c/o Elegant Girl Art}
top:: {Town & Country Surf Shop}
skirt:: {Forever21}
sandals:: {American Eagle}

Speaking of amazing artists, I received my Aloha Girl spoon necklace in the mail! Erin, of Elegant Girl Art featured me in her Girls 2 Watch series a few weeks ago and created this necklace inspired by yours truly. I am seriously in love with it and wear it all the time now. She's got lots more glittery necklaces, earrings and rings in her shop, you definitely need to check it out! 

PS. Got my hair cut on Monday. It's super cute and I'm finally happy with it for the first time in months! Pictures coming soon, of course! 

PPS. I have officially stopped taking custom orders as we wait to see when we are moving off island. But there are still lots of pretty paintings in the shop and I'll be adding more ready to ship paintings up until we have to pack out. So go shopping, lovelies! 

Linking up with Lindsey's What I Wore Wednesday!


Got a New Bob. A Haircut, Not a Boyfriend.

Art on Our Walls:: We're So Sketch.