Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha style: hello, awkward.

braided headband:: {made by me}
tee:: {pacific sunwear}
cutoffs:: {american eagle}
friendship bracelets:: {made by me}
beaded bracelet:: {market in spain}
sandals:: {old navy}

Whenever I leave the house, I like to come up with interesting new outfits and it usually takes at least 10 minutes playing around in my closet to piece together a fun ensemble. But when I'm hanging out at home, painting or just chilling, I don't put much effort into my outfit. Why waste a good outfit when no one will see it?? 

I thought I would show you my uniform of choice today. Cutoffs, tee, some sort of headband. Basic. And since Chris has been gone for about two weeks, I've been spending a lot of time in the house and wearing my uniform quite often. Especially this tee. Oh, it's so soft and comfy. I just wanna marry it.

Also because he's gone, I have to take my own outfit pictures. Which means traipsing around the neighborhood with the tripod and camera. And today it means really awkward pictures for you. Apparently I forgot to smile between walking out of my door and setting my camera timer. Also, my hair is all over the place in these pictures. Which is pretty true to life when I'm hanging out at home. Just keeping it real, guys. 


PS. Big thanks for all the sweet responses to my post yesterday. I'm working on getting back to you guys. I so appreciate all of the supportive "me too!" comments. 

PPS. It's an outfit post without a single article from Forever21. Write it down in the history books, people. 

Linking up with What I Wore Wednesday. 

adventures of the wandering whippycakes :: tardy // oahu, hawaii

just being honest.