Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
— Lindsay Wilkins

aloha & giveaway from a sponsor :: la luce designs!

Aloha, friends! It's Thursday and that means it's time to introduce you to another fabulous sponsor of mine! Ashley is the creative soul behind La Luce designs and blog. Not only does she create lovely accessories, but she also formed a beautiful project on her blog called Love365. I'm excited for her to share more about it here and also excited that YOU get to score some pretties today! Read on for more... 

Aloha Ashley! Introduce yourself to Aisle to Aloha readers! 

Aloha ladies! My name is Ashley Marie Wilson. I'm a Jesus lover, a wife, and an artist. Over on La Luce I share my creative inspirations, my adventures of living for God, and my desire for the spirit of LOVE to totally and completely saturate the world.

What is one lesson you have learned from running a creative business?

That right from the start I needed to know who I really was or this wasn't going to be a fulfilling or positive adventure I was about to begin. Any creative business is a reflection of what’s inside of you. It's easy to become something that you think you should be or be influenced instead of inspired. It's best to find out what YOUR voice is, what YOUR style is, and what YOUR creative talents express, otherwise you will constantly be trying to keep up instead of making a mark. I recently did a career fair for our teens at my church and this was what I shared with them about being a creative entrepreneur.

Can you tell us a little about your GiveLove365 project on your blog? 

Give Love is all about stepping out of our own comfort zones to BE love. Everyone can get involved no matter what. It’s simply doing something thoughtful for someone. It can be your time, your efforts, a gift, help pay for something for someone, or anything else that would encourage their life or bless their day. Simple small acts create HUGE impacts on people.
Every Friday on the La Luce blog, I provide a GiveLove Spark. A simple idea of something nice to do is posted and everyone is welcome to do that or anything else they feel led to do. My prayer is that people will fall in love with looking for new and unique ways to uplift and encourage others.

What does your favorite color say about your personality?

I adore color in general. I am so fascinated and inspired by it. Every color, shade of color, and combinations of colors can create a different mood or feeling instantly. I do gravitate towards warmer or bolder colors but I couldn’t pick just one as a favorite.
That could mean a lot of things as far as my personality…indecisive, complex, and scatterbrain tendencies maybe? ;) But I guess it does reflect that I don’t like to ever think inside the box or limit myself creatively.

Ashley is generously giving away a $30 shop credit to her shop today! Here's how to enter:: 

Go visit La Luce and leave a comment on this post telling us what your very favorite accessory is! 

Additional entries:: 

Follow Ashley's blog and leave a comment saying you do!

Follow Ashley's twitter and leave a comment saying you do!

Giveaway closes on Monday, October 3! 


it's the little things:: cookie dough & chevron rugs

my eye is twitching.