Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

my eye is twitching.

Last week, my left eyelid was twitching. This week, my bottom lip did it. According to my medical staff on twitter (aka, anyone who felt like weighing in), it means I'm stressed. I didn't think I was stressed when I got my twitter-diagnosis last week, but maybe it's a self-fulfilling prophecy because this week, it has hit me hard. 

My mind is constantly buzzing with paintings I need to finish, custom pieces that I need to work on, emails that need to be returned, thank you notes that I want to write, people I don't want to let down, money that's being spent that could be saved, stupid health issues, Chris' job stresses. Not to mention things like that sink of dishes that's been neglected for a few days hours, which makes me feel like a bad wife when Chris gets home and they are still there. (Not that Chris thinks I am, I just project that on myself.)

Also, I'm home-sick. This time of year is always the hardest being away from the East Coast. Fall is my very favorite season and Maryland knows how to do it right. I start thinking about all the wonderful things I'm missing::

bright fiery trees,
the smell of decaying leaves,
jeans, boots, scarves, 
pumpkin carving, 
mornings where you can see your breath

and I start to get upset and start thinking about the really important things I'm missing like::

two nephews and a niece that I have yet to meet, 
time with old friends, 
watching our other 8 nieces and nephews grow,
helping my brother and sister-in-law move into their new home.

Hawaii is beautiful and we are incredibly blessed to live here, but sometimes it's just really hard to be away from the rest of our family. 

Last night I was in such a funk, I walked around the house with a scarf over my head and asked Chris to make ramen for dinner since I had nothing planned and no plans to make anything. And then I ate pickles straight out the jar like they were popcorn. Weird.

I know so many of you may have similar stresses. Or maybe you have it even worse. One thing I've learned in this blogging world is not to assume anything. I don't assume that my problems are bigger than yours. On blogs, people can share as much or as little as they want. I know there are issues that are too personal to share on my blog just yet and so I have a feeling that many of you have hurts and stresses that you have yet to share. 

I wish we could curl up across from each other on the couch over a glass of wine (ooh, or maybe a steaming cup of apple cider for me, since I'm missing fall so much) and commiserate. Until then, I'll take typing on a computer screen. Thanks for listening, friends. I 'ppreciate you.

In other, smilier news-- I added some new autumn-inspired paintings to the shop last night! Hop over to take a gander. More pretties will be listed later this week! 


aloha & giveaway from a sponsor :: la luce designs!

aloha style: pedalin'