Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

handmade love:: new shops!

Aloooha friends! Happy Thursday! Are you ready for the end of the week to get here already?? It's been a weird week because Chris was home on Monday (woo!), then we had mini-church yesterday (when it's normally on Thursdays). So my days are all discombobulated. 

Anyway, below you'll find four gorgeous Etsy shops that are fairly new to the scene (or have low sales!). Click their banners to hop over to their shops and check them out! 

Just to liven it up a little (aka I'm a major nerd), I wrote a haiku for each shop. Ha.

 chevron pillow love. 
makes me want to travel far. 
blue and taupe are friends. 

fayruz paints magnets. 
They're street sellers from turkey. 
Fishies are my fave. 

meet studio miiip. 
wish I could read their listings. 
organic beauty. 

oana befort.
colorful watercolors.
inspiring me.

PS. Are you ready to link up for my very first Little Things link up party tomorrow? I've been taking pictures all week and I'm excited to show you the little things that made me smile this week, but even more excited to see your posts! I am planning on publishing at 6pm my time (midnight EST), so have your posts ready if you'd like to link up early. 


it's the little things.

aloha style:: thunder alley