Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

it's the little things.

** I'm taking a break from hosting the Little Things linkup for a while, but stay tuned for when it returns!**

hi friend! Wondering what this talk about the "little things" is all about? Those verses above are two of my very favorite and convince me that God has beautiful lives planned for each of us. Sometimes rough things happen to us and life is not guaranteed to be easy, but if we stop to think about it, our days are filled with small things that are big blessings. 

I started writing my "little things" posts when my husband, Chris, was deployed for the first time in the spring of '10. During that time, it was often the very small things ( a glass of Dr. Pepper, fresh flowers on the kitchen table, a new book to read) that got me through the lonely days and nights and helped me to smile in the midst of the loneliness. 

I've continued to record these ' little things' on my blog to remind me of how blessed I am and recently I decided to open up my Friday posts to include a "little things" linkup party! 

I'd looove for you to join the linkup party! All you need to do is document throughout the week some 'little things' that are a blessing, that make you smile. Could be as simple as the smell of rain on the sidewalks, or a new coat of toenail polish. If you own a camera, don't forget to break it out (put that phone back in your pocket!) and practice your photography on your 'little things' during the week! 

Then, on Fridays, come on over here and link up! Make sure to hop over to other blogs in the linkup to meet new friends and encourage each other! (What's a party if no one talks to each other?!) 

Grab a button below and stick it in your Little Things post (and in your sidebar too, if you really want to!) to send your readers back here to learn how they can participate! 

Hello Hue Little Things

pssst... backgrounds and digital washi tape courtesty of pugly pixel. Check out her site for beautiful freebie downloads!


it's the little things:: first ever linkup party!

handmade love:: new shops!