Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

it's the little things:: first ever linkup party!

 Aloha friends and happy friday! Welcome to the first ever Aisle to Aloha link up partaaay! I'm super excited to see your 'little things' for the week!

First, here be mine::

... washi tape!

I'm obsessed with this stuff-- the possibilities are endless and the colorful paper tapes fuel my creativity. I usually buy mine on Etsy (under suppliers), but on a whim yesterday, I asked about them at my local craft store and they had some! Even more exciting-- they were cheaper than through Etsy-- which is pretty much unheard of in Hawaii. So I bought a whole armful.

Aaaand I have a super fun washi tape tutorial coming atcha next week. You're going to love it.

...leftover spaghetti. 

I made my homemade spaghetti sauce for our mini church on Tuesday and had to make sure I left some at home for the rest of the week. I don't know what it is about leftover spaghetti, but it's heavenly.

...the smell of fresh cut grass. 

Wednesdays are the days when the lawn guys come through the neighborhood. It's pretty annoying to hear the weedwhackers, leaf blowers and lawn mowers all day. But I always make sure the walk outside in the afternoon because of that smell of fresh cut grass.


'nuff said. I love 'em. 

... new paint brushes! 

I go through a lot of paint brushes and it never ceases to excite me when I get to break into a new pack of fine tip, fresh, never used paint brushes. Kind of, sort of makes me giddy. 

Got your posts ready??

 party rules.

1. Only link to your specific blog post, not to your blog's main page. See here for more explanation. 
2. Grab a button and/or include a link back to this post so your readers can come see what the fun is all about! You can find the code for the button on the sidebar, on the "little things" page and below. 
3. Make sure you visit (and comment) on other posts linked up-- what fun is a party if no one talks to each other? Make some new friends! 
4. I reserve the right to kick you out of the party if you aren't playing nice-- so make sure your post is relevant to this party (ie. no giveaways, etc.) 

Aisle to Aloha


dawn on the north shore.

it's the little things.