Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha style:: tiny painting around my neck

dress:: {spool 72}
cardi:: {target}
belt:: {target}
necklace:: { c/o heather kent art}
flats:: {bought in spain}
nail polish:: {mint sorbet by sally hansen}

I pulled these flats out from the back of my closet recently. I bought them while I was studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain during college and just slipping them on brings up so many memories of traipsing around the city, walking to school, to the internet cafe, to tutor my little Spanish friend, Lucia, across the bridge. I love owning pieces that are full of memories and hints of the past. 

When Heather emailed me and said she wanted to send me one of her gorgeous necklaces, I pretty much did a little wiggly dance in my chair. Each of her necklaces is a tiny hand-painted piece of art, with really intricate detail and vibrant color. I'm seriously in love with her entire shop. I really adore my flower poppy necklace-- the length is perfect and I was in awe at the detail that Heather puts into her pieces. I have a feeling that over the years, this is going to be one of those pieces in my jewelry box that is filled with memories. 

Heather also makes cuff-links, earrings and rings-- go ahead and try to choose a favorite! Betcha you can't. 

{yep, I received this necklace in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own.}


fresh paint:: bright, bold and beautiful customs

fresh paint:: new autumn paintings!