Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

fresh paint:: bright, bold and beautiful customs

I've been working hard the past few weeks on custom orders for some really awesome customers! Today I get to show you just three of the pieces I've painted recently, with more to come later, for sure. 

Amy contacted me and wanted to commission an abstract with bold shapes and colors and some metallic gold paint. I always love working on abstracts because they are not my usual style and so I enjoy the challenge that comes with them. And I have to say, Amy's metallic gold suggestion led me to my obsession with it and the use of it in my fall paintings

I love how this one turned out and was sad to see it leave my studio but excited for Amy to receive it and hang it in her home! It might be kind of hard to see in these photos, but there's a lot of texture in the paint-- that's my favorite part. 

I did this painting below as a gift for my beautiful friend, Krynn on her birthday. She loves plaid, mustard yellow and is teaching herself to sew, so I threw together a custom Sew Cute Cutie for her. 

I'm kind of thinking that plaid needs to make an appearance in the shop soon- what do you think? ;)

You may have seen my Thailand-inspired Bloom paintings in the shop. Stacey wanted some in a bigger size (8x8) with some different, brighter color combos. So this is what she suggested and I think they turned out great! 

I have a few of the 6x6 Blooms in the shop now, with a few more colors coming out soon, hopefully! :) 

So, friend, are you working on anything fun this week?  


sunset surf session.

aloha style:: tiny painting around my neck