Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha style:: can I get a shovel for this popcorn??

earrings (which, sadly you can't see in any pics):: {allorahandmade}
blazer:: {quiksilver}
floral blouse:: {old navy}
jeans:: {forever 21}
flats:: {rocket dog/macy's}

First of all, I don't really know what to write for my outfit posts lately, besides, "Look! I put on clothes the other day!" Yes, aren't you so proud of me, Mom? I'll tell you this-- I wore this outfit to the movies (Sherlock Holmes, to be specific. 'Twas entertaining.) the other day, which was kind of a dumb move on my part, considering that I usually spend a good portion of the movies ferociously shoveling buttery popcorn into my mouth. (The popcorn is honestly the #1 reason I get excited when Chris asks me to the movies. Numero dos is the Coke slushie.)  And for the record, a good amount of that popcorn ends up leaving greasy evidence on my shirt. Thank goodness that busy pattern hides those stains, right?? Ha. 

So, style advice for you today-- make sure that if you wear your new favorite shirt to the movies and it's a possibility (er, probability) that you'll spill popcorn all over yourself-- that it's a busy pattern. Or just be smart and wear your old college tee that already has rips and stains on it. 

PS. Got a haircut. Oh goodness, it was badly needed. Bonus points to Chris for noticing right away. 


aloha from december small-ad sponsors!

i got a pocket, got a pocket full of... books.