Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

i got a pocket, got a pocket full of... books.

Chris surprised me on Christmas morning with a new Kindle! The boy knows I love to read and I think this is his solution to his own obsession with surfing-- as long as I can always have a book at hand, I'm happy to sit on the beach for hours while he surfs! Smart boy... ;) 

So, I'm slowly discovering my Kindle and even found out that my public library loans library books via e-books! How technologically savvy is that? Check your library's website-- maybe they offer that too! 

The truth is, I definitely can't swear off real paper books forever, I have to admit that I do miss turning the page. But I'm loving the convenience of having as many books as I want right in my beach bag pocket! It will be great for traveling too, as I've been known to pack an extra carryon just for my books!

My questions for you are these... 

Do you have any book suggestions??! I am definitely into the easy reading beach reads these days, especially young adult fiction (no shame, people, no shame.)  like the Hunger Games and Hush, Hush series. Have you read anything awesome lately that you just have to share?? 

Also, any tips on where I can get an affordable, thin Kindle cover? I'm thinking something leather-esque and slim. 

Finally, do you follow me on GoodReads? I just opened my profile a few weeks ago and have only reviewed a few books but I'm having fun checking out my friends' favorite reads and getting ideas for new books to put on my list. 

Alright people, I think I may go soak up some sunshine and read for a bit! Hope the rest of your day is awesome! 

aloha style:: can I get a shovel for this popcorn??
