Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins


I'm really horrible at keeping goals and resolutions. 

Seriously, take a look at my blog post this week last year, and you'll read a handful of goals that I came no where close to accomplishing (such as reading my Bible each day, running a triathlon and trying a new recipe each week). Looking back, I realize that I actually managed to attain a few of my goals such as picking up some photography skills, painting more and being more intentional with my blog. But overall, I don't think I'm resolutions kind of girl. There's too much guilt and failure attached to my past resolutions and so, I've sworn off of them, those resolutions.

But I started thinking about how even though I may not have specific resolutions for this year, I don't want to be stagnant. Because I admit that I think I've been stagnant for far too long.

And so, I realized that picking a word for the year, as corny as it sounds, might just be the ticket. 

It's a simple word; you won't have to grab a dictionary to understand it. Its four letters add up to a word that to me is inspirational and challenging. 


In 2012, I want to grow in my identity and roles as a friend, a sister, a servant, a wife, a daughter of the King, and even a mama, Lord willing. I pray that I will "grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18). I am determined to see growth in myself as an artist, a handmade business owner and a blogger. 

Growth can be painful. It can be challenging and even slow-going as you push through the dirt that weighs down on you. I know that if I really want to grow in many of these areas, it's going to take initiative on my part, which I often find hard to come by. Growing this year is going to require a lot of prayer, time in the Word and accountability. And it might start off slow, as I let God's grace seep into each crevice of my heart. 

It might take some changes, perhaps to my blog and shop, as I continue to seek out His will and purpose for those two passions. It will take more intentionality in my relationships and probably more than one or two swift kicks in the butt. And I know that ultimately, it's going to be God's doing in my heart, this growing. Gotta admit, these words I'm typing are scaring me a bit, as my lazy, selfish and stagnant heart says "Noooo. It's comfy right where I am!"

But this will be good, my friends. 

How are you going to grow this year? Or better yet, do you have your own "word for the year" that is challenging you?

"So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." 

1 Corinthians 3:7


i got a pocket, got a pocket full of... books.

downtown annapolis photo shoot:: part two!