Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha style: i've got the monday... purples?

cardigan:: {stolen, er borrowed from my sister's closet}
dress:: {o'neill}
belt:: {forever 21}
purse:: {navy exchange, bueno}
flats:: {probably payless, they're old!}

Monday Blues are kind of non-existent around here lately. 

Usually, it's tough to go back to a normal work week after a blissful weekend on the beach with Chris. Thankfully though, a few circumstances make it just a bit easier these past few months. Chris has a pretty low stress job now with bosses that are generally considerate and eager to help him learn. Compared to his last job on the ship, this is one is literally a God-send. Knowing that he's happy to go back into work on Monday makes the day so much easier on me. Also, each Monday, I gain one more week in my pregnancy! Today I'm 13 weeks and entering my last week of the first trimester! Looking forward to that each week makes Mondays pretty exciting. 

Hope you've been able to shake off a bit of the Monday Blues by now! What do you look forward to each week?

PS. This may be a new favorite outfit. It's so comfy, colorful and there's plenty of room for that baby to grow in there! 



it's the little things:: ballet slippers & renewed creativity