Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

berry crepes, sunshine and a bump.

I wouldn't say this pregnancy is kicking my butt (I know many friends who have had it way worse than I!) but I'm definitely over this whole nausea thing. Especially because I feel like it has kept me from being able to be productive-- I've been a bit slack on the blogging and painting lately. It didn't help that Chris so kindly "lent" me his cold over the weekend, either! 

So today, our post is brought to you courtesy of the camera on my phone. I usually try to spend more time taking pictures with my DSLR than my phone, but thought I'd share a little slice of our life lately through the eye's of my phone camera. 

(top to bottom, left to right)

enjoying a sunny day at North Beach, K Bay//
 relaxing on the drive up to the North Shore // 
relishing 5 minutes of having a clean studio // 
whooping Chris in dominos-- 113 to 0 //
 sneak peek of new Valentine's paintings coming soon! // 
Mumford & Sons lyrics painted for my sister in law //
 more beach time! // 
delicious Berry Heavenly crepe at my favorite restaurant on the island // 
watching Chris surf on the west side //
 itty bitty 11 week baby bump! 

I'm hoping to get some more painting done today and have my first appt with my official OB (instead of the fertility specialist we've been seeing for my first two appointments) later this morning. Thankful Chris can go with me because otherwise I'd probably get lost in that hospital. What are you up to today??

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oh baby:: 11 weeks!

it's the little things:: kona mud pie ice cream & baby's first portrait