Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 11 weeks!

blouse and green jeans:: {forever 21}
belt:: {target}
bracelet:: {actually a necklace I bought in Spain}
ring:: {american eagle, a million years ago}
wedges:: {payless}

I'm not normally planning on doing outfit posts and baby bump posts simultaneously, but it just worked out that way this week, so for now, you get a two-fer. A double whammy. 

I hit 11 weeks on Monday! Right now, I feel like my bump just makes me look as if I ate a large lunch. So I've been wearing things a little on the flowier side until I feel like the bump looks like baby and not tacos. 

Yesterday, we got to see gummy bear again. The nice thing about having some fertility issues is that we've gotten more ultrasounds than I think many women have through their whole pregnancy, just to check on how the babe is growing. I'm so thankful for that and it's really helped to ease my mind. 

I'm in awe of the way Chris is taking care of me. Some days, this nausea (not to mention exhaustion and headaches) has me knocked out on the couch, with no desire or energy to do anything. He has been preparing every dinner, without complaints (except when I'm just too picky and won't decide on what to eat!) and cleaning up afterwards too. I have to take my thyroid medicine on an empty stomach, so each morning, he brings my pill and water in first thing so that I can eat something as soon I wake up. He's been so understanding if the house is wreck all week and gives the baby pep talks to give mama a break every now and then. I really am so thankful for that man. 

He's also said some pretty funny things:: 

(a few weeks ago)
Chris:: Aw, your baby bump is so cute already. 
Me:: Um, pretty sure that's just bloat right now. 
Chris:: Oh, hm, that's not as cute. 

After worshipping at our church, which has incredibly loud music. 

Chris:: So, does the baby have ears yet? Maybe we should put noise canceling headphones on your belly! 

Thankfully, I seem to have found some good methods for keeping the nausea from being too bad, but it would definitely help if I could just cancel out my sense of smell for the next few months! My gag reflex is way too sensitive. Chris said the word "chicken" the other day and I gagged and said, "Please don't say that word." He looked at me like I was completely whacko, which I definitely feel sometimes. ;)


it's the little things:: our own basil & happy artwork

berry crepes, sunshine and a bump.