Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

boy oh boy!

I have to admit that when we found out we were having a boy, I mourned the fact that I wouldn't get to dress my baby in sweet flower headbands and pink ruffle-butts.

 I really love a good ruffle-butt.

Never fear. All I needed was some good internet therapy. I've been doing lots of browsing online for our sweet boy and have discovered some adorable little boy finds and new handmade shops to love.

from left to right, clockwise::

baby boy newborn hat from puntebella on etsy:: Even though we'll be living in warm climates for the first year of baby boy's life, I'm pretty sure I'll find an excuse to dress him in a sweet hat like this.

surfer onesie:: This onesie from Old Navy reminds me of the one I made for Chris to tell him I was pregnant. Only now, we know there's a little dude in there!

handmade plush fox from sleepyking on etsy:: I can just picture this plush little guy hanging out in the nursery. He would add the perfect touch of whimsy.

tiny toms:: I see lots of "needless" purchases in my future-- these yellow corduroy TOMS are so adorable and totally splurge-worthy.

springtime showers bib from little pigeon crafts on etsy:: The colors in this bib are perfect and so happy! 

DIY onesie:: I have zero sewing skills, so I may need one of you to make me this DIY onesie from Omi Creates blog. I'm a wee bit obsessed with stripes for little boys and I am digging the classic shape of this onesie!

I've added a bunch of these items and much more to my Amazon Baby Registry (which is totally awesome because you can add any item from any website!). I like that I can register for the "needs" like a carseat, stroller, diaper cream, as well as the "wants" like prints for the nursery and adorable onesies.

I've also been planning and scheming up our little guy's nursery. It's a bit difficult to truly plan it, since we don't know what kind of living situation we'll be in when we move to Florida, but I will definitely share my inspiration and plans for it soon!


oh baby:: 21 weeks!

aloha style:: glad you could be with us today, mr. fedora.