Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 21 weeks!

Oh, little boy, how we love you. 

We're thrilled to finally be able to envision our boy and the fun adventures we'll have with him! We're working on deciding on a name, but goodness, it's a lot tougher than I thought it would be to name a human. We decided on a first name last night and I almost cried when we looked at each other and said "yep, that's it." Waiting on the perfect middle name before we share. Soon. 

I've entered the wonderful world of heartburn and reflux. I don't think I ever had heartburn in my life before last week and now I feel yucky after almost every meal. I've been trying to prevent it by avoiding trigger foods like pizza, tomato sauces, chocolate, spicy foods.... but guys, those are all my favorite foods. Sad. Chocolate milk has been my savior (I don't think we've ever gone through a gallon so fast!) as well as Tums and sleeping with two pillows, but this is definitely a no-fun part of pregnancy. 

Speaking of fun. Chris asked me the other day if I was having fun being pregnant. And you know what?

 I totally am. 

I love it. I love seeing my growing belly. I love exploring this new identity of being a pregnant woman, of being a future mom. I love planning for our little guy and oh man, feeling his kicks I can tell that it's something I'm going to miss come August, but I'm hoping that I get to do this gig a few times over again. ;)

It does have its difficult moments though. Like last night after attempting to take some bump pictures, I sobbed on Chris' shoulder. As much as I love seeing this growing belly and knowing our son is being formed in there, it's still difficult to let go of my "old body". It doesn't help that most of my clothes are starting to become really uncomfortable, don't fit like I want them to and it's a frustrating process to find an outfit each day. At least I know now that the outfit I wore for the pictures last night is not flattering and won't be worn again!

(hence, my departure from the normal bump update pics today as I experimented with my new tripod and shot some new ones!)

Ok, so I have two requests:: 

First, please send me links to your favorite inspiring baby/mama blogs. I'm especially loving the blog Band of Brothers  this week!

Also, what are your favorite handmade shops that sell adorable things for little boys? Check out some of my newest favorites in Monday's post! 



beach bonfire

boy oh boy!