Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

aloha style:: calm before the storm

headband:: {much love illy}
vest:: {cinnamon girl}
dress:: {global village}
leggings:: {mahina}
sandals:: {payless}
nail color:: turquoise and caicos

 I feel like all of the same thoughts are running through my mind lately, so forgive me if my posts are a bit repetitive lately. Doing my best to soak in the sweet joys our Hawaii home while at the same time getting really excited about some fresh change. Also doing my best to soak up this me + you thing with Chris before this little one comes and I get to have my arms full of both my boys. I suppose you could say (and I would say) that this is the calm before the storm and our whole life changes in just a few short months. It makes me wonder how much (or how little) these changes will change me.

When we moved to Hawaii, Chris and I were freshly married and just starting to learn how to be husband and wife. I've grown a lot here in Hawaii (not just in the belly) and have learned much about myself, my identity as Chris' bride and even more so, my identity as Christ's daughter. I'm excited to see how I grow as we approach our second move, a new baby and a period of time where Chris will be around more than he ever has. (Which reminds me... I need to pick up my journal and write more often.)

In an attempt to take advantage of every bit of sunshine in the next few weeks, we drove up to the North Shore last night so Chris could get some sunset surfing in.  I love these fields that we pass on our drive up there. I think I'm going to try to get more photos by my most beloved spots before we leave...


oh baby:: 22 weeks!

i just wanna be like the cool kids.