Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 22 weeks!

So, yes, halfway through this pregnancy, I'm changing up my bump update format. I'm having fun with some self-photography lately and I think Chris probably appreciates the break from his blog photographer role. 

This week has been one of the more challenging ones of the pregnancy. Just a lot of adjusting to what my body can and can't do now (and can and can't fit!) 

I did something to my back on Friday (while standing still at the counter making a pb and bacon sammie!) and it's been bothering me ever since. Most of my days have been spent on the couch with a hot rice sock. I think it's coming to the point when I need to make an appointment to get checked but sadly, our insurance doesn't cover chiropractors, who I hear do wonders for pregnant backs. So I'm not sure what good an appointment will do for me. Anyway, it's no fun not being able to move like I want to, but I suppose I best get used to that, huh? 

Remember how I said I wanted to stay away from the maternity clothes? Yeah, I ate my words when I bought some maternity shorts at Old Navy this weekend. I caved, guys. And they're so comfy. I mean, I'm still most comfortable sprawled on the couch with my cut-offs unbuttoned and my tank pulled up over my belly (sounds real cute, huh?) but I'm glad to have some shorts that are actually appropriate for public exposure. 

I've been killing the milk this week. We've never had to buy so much! A nice cold glass of chocolate milk (or three) and a piece of peanut butter toast are pretty much my go-to snack lately. 

Oh, and shelf belly is here and it's awesome. So convenient. 

Still working on a middle name. It's been fun having his first name all to ourselves for a little bit, but we're excited to share when that time comes. 

More and more in love with this little thumper every day. 


for me and for you.

aloha style:: calm before the storm