Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

i can't find my camera cord...

Hey there. It's me.

 As I type, I'm sitting in our hotel room in Florida. We've made it to our new home state and are so ready to settle in. For now, we have a little bit of hotel time before we can move into our apartment, so I'm taking the opportunity to relax. The cord for my camera is floating around somewhere in the three duffel bags and two suitcases that we brought with us from MD, so I thought I'd share some of my Instagram photos from our three weeks there. 

Niece and nephew time // the view from Chris' parents' house // yummy Old Bay seasoned crab chips // the heavenly smell of honeysuckle // the chapel we were married in three years ago // celebrating Chris' birthday // homemade sushi with my siblings // baby bump // celebrating our third anniversary // me & dad

a shopping day with my little sis // practicing with our nephew // lazy mornings with tea // little sister painting my toes for me // the tortuous steps up from Chris' parents' dock // a vintage globe that I commandeered from my parents for Si's nursery // Chickfila runs // more baby bump // a new ring

sailing on the Severn with my love

It was a sweet trip that exhausted physically but rejuvenated us emotionally. Thanks for bearing with my sporadic posting schedule lately! 


oh baby:: 30 weeks!!

inspire me monday:: gray couches