Seeing the way God uses color in his creation inspires my art and gives me a clearer view of His love for me and you. I'm inspired by the sparks of emotion I feel when I see color, and I hope you feel those sparks when you view my work.
β€” Lindsay Wilkins

oh baby:: 30 weeks!!

My weddings rings came off this week. Actually, that makes it sound a lot easier than it was. It was quite an ordeal. They started to feel tight on Wednesday morning and began to be super painful. Long story short, we wanted to get them off before our plane trip and after an hour or so of using every trick on the web and many many tears from me, they were off. Chris worked at them patiently and as gently as he could, and I think it was hard for him to see me in such pain. I kind of hate that my hand feels so nekkid without my rings, so I think this week I'll go get a plain band to fill the space.

I've had so many comments from strangers this week telling me that I look like I'm "about to pop". One person declared loudly as I passed their dinner table "THAT'S due soon!" People can be so weird with what they let come out of their mouths. I kind of enjoy seeing their faces when I tell them I have 10 weeks left. Ha.

As Si grows bigger and bigger, I'm pretty much in a constant state of discomfort. I've been taking lots of warm baths and swimming in our hotel pool yesterday afternoon felt glorious. Despite the heartburn, itchy belly, difficulty breathing, etc. etc.... I'm so thankful. So many little things have happened this week that make me even more excited for Si's arrival.

Here are just a few::

We bought his crib! After seeing that it was out of stock online last week, I was a bit devastated. I checked again the other day and saw it was back in stock! Into the cart it went and we get to pick it up in the store in a few days! We also bought the most perfect dresser on Craigslist yesterday for his changing table. It's pretty exciting having all the main components of his nursery. Now we just get to fill in the blanks!

We toured our future apartment complex yesterday and fell in love with the cute apartments. We're going to have lots of space and I can't stop daydreaming about how to organize and decorate for this new home.

I have an appointment not only with the OBGYN practice that I wanted to get into, but also the midwife I was hoping to see! I feel such peace about it and love seeing evidence yet again that God has this whole thing in His Hands.

have a happy weekend, friends!


letting my creative juices flow.

i can't find my camera cord...